Woman starting a successful beauty business by offering lash extension services.

3 Powerful Mindset Shifts for Starting a Successful Beauty Business 💸

Hey Gorgeous,

I’ve got something real to share with you today—something I wish I had known earlier in my journey 💡.

If you’re feeling stuck in your beauty business or struggling to hit those next-level goals, let me tell you this: it’s not about working harder. Sometimes, it’s all about shifting your mindset 🧠.

When I first started my beauty business, I was making just $18k a year working as a grocery store cashier. Fast forward a few years, and my beauty business is now bringing in over $700,000 a year ✨. And let me tell you—the  biggest  game-changer wasn’t just about learning technical skills (though that’s super important too!). The real transformation came when I changed how I  thought  about success and what I believed was possible for me.

Here are the three  powerful  mindset shifts that helped me break through my own limiting beliefs and grow my beauty business to six figures:

1. I Am Worthy of Success in My Beauty Business

This is HUGE. When I first started out, I was constantly doubting myself. I thought, “Who am I to run a successful business?” Sound familiar?

I had to stop letting imposter syndrome rule my decisions. The moment I believed I was worthy of success—no matter my background, experience, or how long I had been in the industry—everything started to shift. You don’t have to wait for “the right time” or feel like you need permission. You are already worthy of starting a successful beauty business 💖

This shift in thinking was a major turning point for me, and it can be for you too. When you start believing in your worth, it opens up doors for bigger opportunities in your beauty business.

2. Investing in Myself Is the Best Business Decision

At first, I used to think, “I can figure everything out for free.” But the reality is, once I started investing in courses, coaches, and the tools needed to grow my beauty business, everything changed 💥.

Here’s the thing: You are your biggest asset. Whether it’s improving your beauty skills, learning new techniques, or upgrading your knowledge about running a business, every investment you make in yourself is a step toward scaling your business.

This is exactly why I created the Business Success Course —to give you the strategies that work. These aren’t just techniques that helped me; they’ve worked for dozens of other women growing their own beauty businesses.

Investing in yourself not only builds your skill set but also strengthens your confidence in running a business. It’s the difference between staying stuck and leveling up to achieve the six-figure beauty business you’re dreaming of.

3. I Can Learn as I Grow My Beauty Business

Here’s a little secret: You don’t need to have everything figured out before starting. Too many of us wait for the “perfect” moment, the perfect skills, or the perfect plan. But honestly?  Messy action beats no action every single time  👊🏼.

You don’t need perfection. What you need is to start and learn along the way. It’s okay to make mistakes; it’s all part of the process of growth. This mindset shift freed me from the fear of failure and pushed me to take that first step, even when things weren’t perfect.

Every step forward is progress. Every mistake is a lesson learned. And every lesson brings you closer to the beauty business success you’ve always dreamed of.

If I had waited for everything to be perfect, I would’ve never built the beauty business I have today.

How to Implement These Mindset Shifts for Your Beauty Business

If you’re ready to make these mindset shifts and take your beauty business to the next level, here’s how you can start today:

Learn everything you need to build a brand that attracts clients and helps you grow a six-figure beauty business from scratch.

Woman starting a successful beauty business by offering lash extension services.

Whether you’re new to lash extensions or want to add this profitable service to your offerings, this course will teach you the skills you need to skyrocket your income.

Woman starting a successful beauty business by offering lash extension services.

Final Thoughts: Starting a Successful Beauty Business (and Life) You Love 💕

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale your beauty business, I’m here to remind you that you are capable of incredible success . Sometimes, the only thing holding you back is your mindset.

The journey to building a beauty business that brings in six figures starts with believing in yourself, investing in your growth, and taking action even when things feel messy.

You’ve got this, babe! I believe in you and your ability to build a beauty business (and a life!) that you truly love 💖.


Taylah xx

P.S. As always, I’m just one click away if you have any questions or need support on your journey to becoming the beauty boss I know you’re meant to be!